Synthetic hair is such an affordable option, sometimes it seems too good to be true – until it starts to frizz. Fortunately, there are ways to keep the hair looking soft and silky, so that you don’t have to get rid of it too soon.
What is synthetic hair?
Synthetic hair is composed of artificial hair strands of plastic – usually acrylic or nylon – that are made into ultra-thin fibers and chemically processed to mimic real hair. Synthetic hair comes in many different assortments of colors and textures. However, the color or texture cannot be changed as human hair can with products like dye and relaxers.
Synthetic hair is relatively low maintenance because it is meant to be worn in one style, but also has the tendency to matte severely over time – depending on the quality of the hair. Synthetic hair is also less costly than human hair, costing as low as $10, which makes it popular among those that need an affordable option.
Synthetic hair does not last as long as human hair and tangles more frequently due to what the strands are made of. The hair usually lasts up to 4 months with daily use, depending on the quality.

What I Like
- The packaging – the hair comes in a very luxurious box that lives up to its name. Along with the main box each product is individually wrapped accordingly.
- Delivery – the company advertises a relatively short delivery time and lives up to it.
- Website – the website is easy to use and even provides resources like local stylists to get your hair installed.

What I Don’t Like
- The return policy – I understand keeping the untouched hair but I don’t quite understand the refund in the form of a gift card.
- Density of the hair – The hair could be thicker and fuller, given the style, it’s an easy look to throw on and go.
- Stretch – depending on the size of your head the headband may be too small.
How to Stop Synthetic Hair from Frizzing
1. Wash the Wig
Washing your wig is important because not only does it clean the fibers, but it adds moisture. Be aware that you cannot wash synthetic hair the same way you wash human hair.
Regular shampoo is not advised when washing artificial hair because much of the shampoos contain sulfates and parabens – which will chronically dry the hair out. It is best to use a product specially designated for artificial hair that has a low pH level and no sulfates or parabens.
After your wig is washed you should notice that the fibers are no longer as tangled as they once were, and the hair should feel softer.
2. Heat the Hair
However, once the hair starts to become frizzy, one way you can get rid of frizz is to use a straightener. Heating synthetic hair should not be something that is done excessively. Remember, synthetic hair is plastic, and if it is heated too much it will melt. Before you use a straightener on the hair, find out what temperatures it can withstand.
The packaging should mention the highest temperature for straightening that the hair can withstand. If the packaging does not say the hair is heat friendly, do not straighten. When straightening synthetic hair, use very low temperatures, even if the hair is labeled as being able to withstand high temperatures. You want to keep the hair from dryness as much as possible, or it can start to tangle.
When you use your straightener, brush the hair out first and straighten section by section. You may notice that some parts of the hair are rougher than others – usually the bottom half. Only straighten the parts of the hair that are not already straight.
3. Store it Properly
One key way to stop synthetic hair from frizzing is to store it properly. When you throw your wig in your closet or on the floor, it creates static electricity and frizziness. Carefully placing your wig in a designated place will keep the fibers in place.
A helpful tool for storing wigs when you are not using them is a mannequin head. Placing your wig on a mannequin head will ensure that the wig is not rubbing on anything. If your hair is not removable, wrapping it and wearing a silk bonnet will help it not to tangle as you sleep.
Synthetic hair should always be stored away from direct sunlight, to protect its color and structure. The hair should also not be wet when it is wrapped before bed or placed inside a bag, because it will be very tangled when it dries.
If you are traveling with a synthetic wig, you can place it inside of a strong plastic container that is lined with tissue paper to keep it from being crushed and rubbing against anything.
Why does synthetic hair get frizzy?
Artificial hair does not have natural moisture, such as water and oils, they tend to become very tangled and messy soon. Some factors to frizziness are the atmosphere, methods of styling, and product usage.
When you first purchase synthetic hair it is very silky and frizz-free. However, after a few days, you may begin to notice its silkiness starting to change. Synthetic hair wears down with use. If you wear the hair every day, it will start to frizz. Also, brushing synthetic hair creates static electricity – which makes the hair stand up.
Eventually, you will need to get rid of synthetic hair altogether, and it is never supposed to last as long as human hair, but there are some effective ways you can get rid of its frizz for a while and add moisture.
How do you maintain synthetic hair?
The biggest way to maintain synthetic hair is to refrain from styling it every day. If you constantly manipulate synthetic hair, it will continue to become frizzy and eventually will matt faster. Synthetic hair should also not be combed while wet, as that will damage the hair. Using products that are specifically made for synthetic hair will help to keep it less frizzy and shiny.
Can you use fabric softener on synthetic wigs?
Synthetic wigs are made of unnatural fibers, so it is perfectly fine to use fabric softener and detergent to wash them. Using fabric softener and detergent will help to detangle the hair, remove dirt and oils, as well as improve its softness.
The best way to wash your wig is to apply a small amount of detergent and fabric softener to a big bowl of warm water and let the wig sit in the solution for at least 30 minutes. You do not want to use a lot of fabric softener because it has the potential to irritate your scalp. After removing the wig from the solution, rinse it with cool water.
How do you wash synthetic hair?
1. Detangle the Hair
Before you wash the hair you will need to detangle it. Using a detangling brush will help to make this step a lot easier, and will prevent you from pulling out too much hair. Start brushing from the ends and work your way up.
It is important that you do not brush too quickly, or the hair will just be pulled out. Repeat the detangling process in small sections until you can easily run your fingers through the hair.
2. Fill a Bowl with Warm Water
Find a big bowl you can use so that you can fill it with water. The water should not be too hot or too cold. After your bowl or sink is filled, add your cleanser to the water and mix it in with your hand. You can use any cleanser you would like, as long as it has a low pH level and no silicones or parabens.
3. Wash the Hair
After you add your cleanser, you can place the wig inside of the water. Once the wig is submerged, you will begin to notice the dirt and grime clouding the water. Make sure you are cleaning the lace of any glue or gel as well so that your face does not break out.
Lightly rub the hair downwards as you wash it. You do not need to roughly scrub as you would with human hair, because that will tangle it, but gently rub the cleanser in the direction the hair is going.
4. Rinse
After you are done washing the hair, dunk it back into the cleansing water you have for a rinse. When the hair is without suds, fill another bowl with clean, cool water and rinse the hair in that for a final rinse. After you are done rinsing, the hair should be clear of any dirt or product.
The Final Word
There are several ways to keep your synthetic hair from frizzing, but the biggest lesson is to be gentle with it. Again, synthetic hair is not going to last as long as human hair, but it can definitely last you a good while if you take care of it.